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Help increase audience attention and participation, while turning ideas into action.

- PANABOARD Thermal Paper
Save critical notes for archiving and distribution while ensuring the utmost security in confidential environments.

- PANABOARD Plain Paper
Increase efficiency and reduce meeting time by providing clear notes to all meeting attendees.

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UB-5320 - PANABOARD....
Harga :
Rp 10.250.000

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Print Size ( H x W) Standard size: 900 mm x 1, 400 mm, 2....

UB-5820 - PANABOARD....
Harga :
Rp. 11.850.000

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Print Size ( H x W) Standard size: 900 mm x 1, 762 mm, 2....

UB-7320 - PANABOARD....
Harga :
Rp. 14.750.000

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Print Size ( H x W) Standard size: 900 mm x 1, 400 mm, 4....

UB-5325 - PANABOARD....
Harga :
Rp. 13.250.000

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Print Size ( H x W) Standard size: 900 mm x 1, 400 mm, 2....

UB-5825 - PANABOARD....
Harga :
Rp. 15.250.000

* * Untuk update harga terbaru, harga promo, brosur silahkan kunjungi website resmi kami * *

Print Size ( H x W) Standard size: 900 mm x 1, 762 mm, 2....

UB-7325 - PANABOARD....
Harga :
Rp. 18.250.000

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Print Size ( H x W) Standard size: 900 mm x 1, 400 mm, 4....

UB-5338C, Panaboard....

Size : 838 x 1, 378 mm, 2 panel

The Panasonic UB-5338C Color Electronic Whiteboard is a color scanning system that allows the user to scan to USB flash drives or SD....

UB-5838C, Panaboard....

Size : 838 x 1, 740 mm, 2 panel

The Panasonic UB-5838C Color Electronic Whiteboard is a color scanning system that allows the user to scan to USB flash drives or SD....

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