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PT.TIARA JAYA MAKMUR ( Distributor, Importir and Stockist )

Anggota Prioritas Prioritas Indotrade
Tahun ke-17


RIKEN OPTECH The Safety and Automation Systems Marketing Division is involved in developing and marketing equipment for use in stamping operations
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    • RIKEN OPTECH -....

      RIKEN OPTECH - Safety Light Curtain SEII

      RIKEN Sensor
      Model SEII- 24
      Model SEII- 32
      Model SEII- 40
      Model SEII- 48

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • RIKEN Optech -....

      RIKEN Optech - Safety Light Curtain RPH425

      RPH425- * * * * RPH414- * * * *
      Number of Beams 13 to 120 21 to 125
      Protective Height 180 to 1785 mm 180 to 1116 mm
      Beam Spacing 15 mm 9 mm

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • RIKEN OPTECH CORP : ....

      RIKEN OPTECH CORP : PMD Malfunction Detector

      1. Five functions are built in to the six channels.
      2. Required functions can be called and set to each channel just simply pushing a button.
      3. Detecting internal timing per....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • RIKEN OPTECH : ....

      RIKEN OPTECH : MICRON II Monitoring System

      1.High Accuracy with 0.1 micro m Resolution
      2. Easy Operation.
      3. Large Liquid Crystal Display.
      4. Digital & Bar Graph Indication.
      5. Monitor a Change with the Passage of Time....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • RIKEN OPTECH : Press....

      RIKEN OPTECH : Press- Brakes AKAS

      AKAS is the most well known safety equipment widely used in Europe for press- brakes.This equipment will prevent the danger of press- braking work without reducing the worker....

      HargaCompetitive Price

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